13 December 2017

Project Publicity Meeting


Boğaziçi University Archives and Documentation Center completed the Project titled “Histories of Science, Culture and Education in İstanbul Through Personal Archives” supported by İstanbul Development Agency’s "Innovative and Creative İstanbul Financial Support Program" between 15 December 2016- 14 December 2017.

Within the scope of this project, we planned to classify, catalogue and digitize the documents contributing to the studies of science, culture and education which belonged to seven (7) collections within Boğaziçi University. A further aim was to open these documents to the public within the framework of protocols signed with the donors. Finally, we intended to store the materials of the archival collections in accordance with universal archive protection standards. We've done a lot of what we had aimed for.

The conferences and seminars that we organized brought academicians, experts and students from many different institutions together. Digital exhibitions and online archives that we have created to promote the contents of collections are online. To find out more about our work:
Project Website
Digital Archive

On 13 December 2017, at our meeting held in the Nafi Baba Building Hall between 15: 30-17: 00, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Kırlı gave a talk titled "From corporate memory to private collections: The Boğaziçi Archives" and explained the process of formation of the Boğaziçi Archives Center. Following that, Prof. Dr. Zafer Toprak made a speech titled "Accumulation of Knowledge and Archives in Turkey". Ülkü Özen, who is among our collection donors, talked about the Baltacıoğlu collection that emerged through the friendship of her husband Haldun Özen and Ismayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu. Project co-director Nurçin İleri made a presentation that conveys "Process and Results of the Project Science, Culture and Education History in Istanbul through Personal Archives". For more information about the project, you can review our project booklet.

A brief visual overview of what we have done over the course of a year is included in our promotional film: